/************************************************************** File Name: vecsum_test.asm Date Modified: 2/11/99 RFG Purpose: Program to call vecsum.asm **************************************************************/ #include "def21161.h" #define N 128 /* number of elements in vectors */ .extern vector_summation; /* DM data */ .section/dm seg_dmda; .ALIGN 2; .var A[N] = "input1.dat"; .ALIGN 2; .var SUM[N]; /* PM data */ .section/dm seg_pmda; .ALIGN 2; .var B[N] = "input2.dat"; /* PM interrupt vector code */ .section/pm seg_rth; Reserved_1: rti; nop; nop; nop; Chip_Reset: idle; jump start; nop; nop; /* program memory code */ .section/pm seg_pmco; start: /* Set up address increment registers */ m1=2; m9=2; /* initialize modulo addressing control registers */ l0 = 0; l8 = 0; l7 = 0; /* initialize pointers */ b0 = A; b8 = B; call vector_summation (db); b7 = SUM; r1=(N-2)/2; /* Terminate and wait */ wait1: jump wait1;