# Generated by the VisualDSP++ IDDE (Mon Oct 08 12:18:39 2007) # Project File: Z:\public_html\lab_dsp\laboratorium_dsp_01\01_dotprod\dotprod.dpj "C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\VisualDSP 4.0\cc21k.exe" -c .\dotprod.c -g -no-multiline -double-size-32 -flags-compiler --diag_warning,implicit_func_decl -proc ADSP-21161 -o .\Debug\dotprod.doj -MM ".\dotprod.c", line 50: cc0020: error: identifier "itn" is undefined itn output = 0.0; ^ ".\dotprod.c", line 57: cc1269: {D} warning: returning pointer to local variable return( output ); ^ 1 error detected in the compilation of ".\dotprod.c". cc3089: fatal error: Compilation failed Tool failed with exit/exception code: 1.