Core Generator (version 2)


Task:  Implement the Lissajous curve generator with the following properties:

  1. The curve should be presented in a square field of 384x384 pixels.
  2. The picture should be generated on an analog VGA monitor (you can use 640x480 mode).
  3. The picture should be centered and square shaped on the display.
  4. The curve should be white, the background should be black.
  5. The frequencies of the channels (X and Y) and the phase of the second channel (Y) should be configurable using the switches: SW0-SW7 (range 0-255) which define the value to be loaded to the registers by pressing the buttons: BTN0 (loads the X frequency register), BTN1 (loads the Y frequency register), BTN2 (loads the Y phase offset register).
  6. The BTN3 button should clear the screen and reset the DDS generator (to make the figure being redrawn starting from the programmed initial phase for the channel Y and the zero phase for the channel X).
  7. The channel X should be the channel 0 in the DDS component description.
  8. The channel Y should be the channel 1 in the DDS component description.
  9. The coordinates (0,0) should be in the center of the screen. The curve should use the entire 384x384 field.

Information about the Lissajous curve

Ports’ usage:


Information about the analog VGA signal generation

Remember that the RGB output should be at the logic level ‘0’ when the current sync phase is out of the display area.


For project implementation two functional modules generated by the Core Generator will be needed.  Dual port RAM memory will be used as a display memory.  Direct Digital Synthesizer will be used for digital sinusoidal signal generation (two channels: X and Y).

Video memory generation:

Choose: Project -> New Source

In the window: Select Source Type select:
IP (CORE Generator & Architecture Wizard).
Enter the file name of a new component (to be generated by the Core Generator), for example: video_mem   and click Next:

Next window (Select IP) is for a new component selection:

In this window choose Block Memory Generator v2.8 and click Next. Then the summary window appears: New Source Wizard – Summary. Acknowledge by clicking Finish.

The Core Generator starts and a new window for detailed component configuration is opened:

In the first window (1/5) change Memory Type to Simple Dual Port RAM. The dual port memory will be used for simultaneous writing and reading from two different addresses (pixels of the curve are written, sequential pixels for the VGA display are read).
View Data Sheet button (in left-down corner) opens a detailed documentation of the component.

Click:  Next.

In this window (2/5) change Write Width to 1 (we will write only one pixel at the location calculated by the curve generator) and Write Depth to 147456 (there are 384*384 = 147456 pixels).

Click  Next.

In this window (3/5) change Read Width to 1 (we will read only one pixel at the location calculated by the VGA display generator). It is possible to set different size of the input and output data bus for this memory component if you need. Address count is now calculated automatically.

Click  Next.

In this window (4/5) nothing should be changed. The initial memory contents – all bits zeroed.

Click  Next.

In this window (5/5) nothing should be changed. This window can be used to set parameters of the simulation model for the memory (collision detection and range warnings).

Click  Finish.

Now the component generation starts – please wait a moment.

The generated memory has two clock inputs (one for each port) - it can be used if we have two clock domains. But usually we only have one clock in the design and in this situation we connect two clock inputs to the same clock.

Pay attention to signal types of generated component, some of them are 1-bit vectors (like WEA).

It is worth to remember additional information presented in the summary of a properties of designed component (Information field) and the schematic diagram. Important information for designer is:
Total Port B Read Latency (From Rising Edge of Read Clock): 1 Clock Cycle(s).

It means that data is read from the memory with a delay of one clock cycle after the address is latched. Write procedure is different: written data should be latched at the same time as address. For details see the documentation (use View Data Sheet button).

After generation the new component will be added to the list of project’s files.

For easy component instantiation files with *.vho extension are created. They contain the template of component declaration and example of how to make the instance of the component. You can easily include those files in the project files.

Sample VHO file:


-- The following code must appear in the VHDL architecture header:


------------- Begin Cut here for COMPONENT Declaration ------ COMP_TAG

component video_mem

       port (

       clka: IN std_logic;

       dina: IN std_logic_VECTOR(0 downto 0);

       addra: IN std_logic_VECTOR(17 downto 0);

       wea: IN std_logic_VECTOR(0 downto 0);

       clkb: IN std_logic;

       addrb: IN std_logic_VECTOR(17 downto 0);

       doutb: OUT std_logic_VECTOR(0 downto 0));

end component;


-- Synplicity black box declaration

attribute syn_black_box : boolean;

attribute syn_black_box of video_mem: component is true;


-- COMP_TAG_END ------ End COMPONENT Declaration ------------


-- The following code must appear in the VHDL architecture

-- body. Substitute your own instance name and net names.


------------- Begin Cut here for INSTANTIATION Template ----- INST_TAG

your_instance_name : video_mem

             port map (

                    clka => clka,

                    dina => dina,

                    addra => addra,

                    wea => wea,

                    clkb => clkb,

                    addrb => addrb,

                    doutb => doutb);

-- INST_TAG_END ------ End INSTANTIATION Template ------------


-- You must compile the wrapper file video_mem.vhd when simulating

-- the core, video_mem. When compiling the wrapper file, be sure to

-- reference the XilinxCoreLib VHDL simulation library. For detailed

-- instructions, please refer to the "CORE Generator Help".



The text in red font should be copied to the local signal definition area. The text in blue font should be copied to the architecture area (of course the connected signals’ names and the instance name should be changed as needed). Then the icon representing the new component should be automatically moved to the proper place in the project’s hierarchy.

Modification of component parameters and its regeneration is possible using icons: Manage Cores i Regenerate Core  presented below:


DDS module generation

To generate the DDS module proceed as follows:

Choose: Project -> New Source

In the window  Select Source Type  choose: IP (CORE Generator & Architecture Wizard).
Enter the file name of a new component, for example: singen  and click Next:


Next window will be opened - Select IP:

In this window choose  Direct Digital Synthesizer v5.0 and click  Next.
Next the summary window appears: New Source Wizard – Summary.
You should acknowledge by pressing  Finish.


Then the Core Generator starts and the component configuration widow is opened:

In this window (1/6) choose function: Sine  and the number of channels: Channels: 2.
(you will need two independent sine function generators to draw the Lissajous curves). Then enter the system clock frequency – DDS Clock Rate: 50 MHz.
You have to decide about the quality of the generated signal, choose -  Spurious Free Dynamic Range: 65 dB  (SFDR is the ratio of the RMS amplitude of the generated frequency to the RMS amplitude of the largest noise or harmonic distortion component).
In the end specify the frequency resolution for the sine signal:  Frequency Resolution: 500 Hz

Use View Data Sheet button to see the complete and detailed documentation of the core.

Then click Next.

In this window (2/6) set initial channel frequencies (enter frequency in MHz). Set the frequency to: 0.1953125  MHz for each channel.
Warning – due to a software bug it is difficult to see typed numbers. When finally entered the value is displayed correctly.
Phase Increment  set to: Programmable – you will be therefore allowed to change the frequency later in the system. The frequency will be set using the slide switches – load the value to the eight least significant bits of the configuration word.

Then click  Next.

In this window (3/6) set initial phases of the channels (phases are entered in radian/2π – e.g. 1.0 means 2π radian). Set the initial phase for the channel 1 to: 0.0 and for the channel 2 to: 0.25 (i.e. π/2 radian).
Warning – due to a software bug it is difficult to see typed numbers. When finally entered the value is displayed correctly.
Phase Offset set to: Programmable – you will be therefore allowed to change the phase later in the system. The phase will be set using the slide switches – load the value to the eight most significant bits of the configuration word.

Then click  Next.

In this window (4/6) you can set other properties of the DDS module.

Enable option: Clear Options – SCLR Pin (this pin will be used for DDS reset after changing the frequencies or phases and screen clearing by pressing the BTN3 button) – this is synchronous reset.

Option Noise Shaping leave in None position (this option is used for DDS  algorithm modification to generate signal of better quality).

Option Memory Type set to Block ROM

In the field Handshaking Options disable RFD Pin and enable Channel Pin (defines the channel of the current sample).

Option Pipelined should be disabled.

In the field Accumulator Latency set option: One Cycle.

Then click  Next.


Summary window (5/6) is presented. It is worth to remember additional information in the summary of properties of designed component (Information field) and the schematic diagram.

Then click   Next.

Second summary window (6/6) is displayed.

Click  Generate  button.

Now the component generation starts – please wait a moment.

You have to instantiate the component in your project using *.vho file (the procedure is similar to that described earlier).

Circuit verification

The circuit has to be verified experimentally by programming the FPGA on the prototype board. You can also perform functional simulation if you need. After the FPGA is programmed check the basic functionality of the system. Check the Lissajous curves for different frequencies and phases.  Remember to connect the VGA cable from the VGA LCD display to the VGA output of the prototype board. Present the results to the instructor. Explain why discrete structure (dots) of the curve is sometimes visible.

Additional information about DDS:


UCF file for the exercise, Digilent Spartan-3 board, Spartan-3 3S200 FT256-4:


# Clock:

NET "clk_i" LOC = "T9" ; # 50 MHz clock

# VGA display:

NET "rgb_o<1>" LOC = "R12" ; # R

NET "rgb_o<2>" LOC = "T12" ; # G

NET "rgb_o<0>" LOC = "R11" ; # B

NET "hsync_o" LOC = "R9";

NET "vsync_o" LOC = "T10";

# Slide switches:

NET "sw_i<0>" LOC = "F12" ; # active high when in UP position

NET "sw_i<1>" LOC = "G12" ; # active high when in UP position

NET "sw_i<2>" LOC = "H14" ; # active high when in UP position

NET "sw_i<3>" LOC = "H13" ; # active high when in UP position

NET "sw_i<4>" LOC = "J14" ; # active high when in UP position

NET "sw_i<5>" LOC = "J13" ; # active high when in UP position

NET "sw_i<6>" LOC = "K14" ; # active high when in UP position

NET "sw_i<7>" LOC = "K13" ; # active high when in UP position

# Push-buttons:

NET "btn_i<0>" LOC = "M13" ; # active high

NET "btn_i<1>" LOC = "M14" ; # active high

NET "btn_i<2>" LOC = "L13" ; # active high

NET "btn_i<3>" LOC = "L14" ; # active high
