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Department of Microelectronic Systems, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology Logo Wydziału
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Integrated Chipscope Analyzer


Using integrated logic analyzer Chipscope, test the unknown digital block and specify its function.

For the unknown block Design Under Test (DUT) shown in Fig.1, only the following facts are known: The goal is to find the values of a and b.

Diagram of DUT
Fig. 1 DUT block


Create test environment for the tested block

First, the working environment for the block DUT has to be created. Generate test signal using the 8-bit counter and connect it to the data input of DUT. The output data_o from DUT can be connected to the LEDs, the error output can be connected to a single digit of 7-segment LED display (the remaining digits can be dimmed; in case of other use of LED digits, modify ucf file presented at the end of this page). The proposed schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 2.

Block diagram
Fig. 2 The proposed block diagram for testing DUT

The DUT block is given as a synthesized netlist. The file dut.ngc has to be included in the design in the following way: The component declaration of this block is:

component dut is
  port ( data_i : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
    data_o : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
    err_o : out STD_LOGIC);
  end component;

Hardware verification of DUT operation using LEDs and slow clock

Implement the circuit from Fig. 2, setting the internal clock clk to low frequency (i.e. 1Hz). Observe the LEDs and error signal on 7-segment display.

Insertion of logic analyzer into the circuit

Insert Chipscope analyzer to the circuit. The Chipscope analyzer consists of 2 blocks: The Chipscope analyzer is inserted into the FPGA and it stores the observed signals to the internal RAM. The Chipscope Analyzer software Analyzer (run on a PC), connects to the analyzer's on-chip hardware using JTAG and reads data stored in RAM. The read data is presented on the computer's screen. The Chipscope analyzer has advanced trigger functions. In this exercise, only basic functionalities are used.

Follow the procedure to insert Chipscope into your design:

Working with the Chipscope analyzer software

After the implementation of the circuit with introduced ILA and ICON blocks, it is possible to connect to the integrated analyzer from desktop computer using Chipscope Pro Analyzer software. At the beginning, after pressing JTAG Button button, the software should detect the JTAG chain, as shown in Fig. 8, then click OK.

JTAG Chain
Fig. 8 Detected devices in JTAG chain

Group the observed signals into the buses (Fig.9) and give them the meaningful names as shown in Fig.10, (right-click on the bus and seletct Rename). For this project, it is advised to change the radix of the displayed bus signals (Bus Radix) to Unsigned Decimal.

New bus
Fig. 9 Grouping the signals into a bus.

Named signals
Fig. 10 Signals with the given meaningful names.

Now it is possible to set the trigger (when to start the data capture). In this situation it is convenient to observe data starting from data_i=0. The trigger setup is shown in Fig. 11. CAUTION: the zeros must be placed in the positions corresponding to the equivalent bits of data_i. This can look different in your design!

Trigger setup
Fig. 11 Trigger setup

Run the analyzer: Trigger Setup/Run Run. If the trigger condition is detected inside the FPGA, the captured signals will be shown on the screen.

Fig. 12 Waveforms read by the Chipscope analyzer

Marker Run shows the trigger time.
The beginning of the displayed data, in respect to trigger point, can be changed in Capture/Position.
To capture data without waiting for trigger, click: Trigger Setup/Trigger Immediate Run.

UCF file, Digilent Spartan-3, Spartan-3 3S200 FT256-4:
# Clock:
NET "clk_i" LOC = "T9" ; # 50 MHz clock
# Push-buttons:
NET "rst_i" LOC = "L14" ; # pressed high BTN3
# LEDs:
NET "leds_o<0>" LOC = "K12" ; # high on
NET "leds_o<1>" LOC = "P14" ; # high on
NET "leds_o<2>" LOC = "L12" ; # high on
NET "leds_o<3>" LOC = "N14" ; # high on
NET "leds_o<4>" LOC = "P13" ; # high on
NET "leds_o<5>" LOC = "N12" ; # high on
NET "leds_o<6>" LOC = "P12" ; # high on
NET "leds_o<7>" LOC = "P11" ; # high on
# Seven-segment LED display:
NET "led7_an_o<3>" LOC = "E13" ; # leftmost digit, active low
NET "led7_an_o<2>" LOC = "F14" ; # active low
NET "led7_an_o<1>" LOC = "G14" ; # active low
NET "led7_an_o<0>" LOC = "d14" ; # rightmost digit, active low
NET "led7_seg_o<7>" LOC = "E14" ; # segment 'A', active low
NET "led7_seg_o<6>" LOC = "G13" ; # segment 'B', active low
NET "led7_seg_o<5>" LOC = "N15" ; # segment 'C', active low
NET "led7_seg_o<4>" LOC = "P15" ; # segment 'D', active low
NET "led7_seg_o<3>" LOC = "R16" ; # segment 'E', active low
NET "led7_seg_o<2>" LOC = "F13" ; # segment 'F', active low
NET "led7_seg_o<1>" LOC = "N16" ; # segment 'G', active low
NET "led7_seg_o<0>" LOC = "P16" ; # segment 'dp', active low