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Department of Microelectronic Systems, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology Logo Wydziału
Flaga PL Polska wersja

Bitmap on VGA screen

Task: Design a module generating VGA signals of the following functionality: Write a testbench. Before implementing the design, a simulation must be run using the testbench.

Additional information:

  1. Generating VGA signals.
  2. Structure of BMP file.
  3. Generating and using ROM.

Picture to display on VGA screen
Fig. 1 Picture to display on VGA screen

Picture in format coe and bmp.

UCF file, Digilent Spartan-3, Spartan-3 3S200 FT256-4:
# Clock:
NET "clk_i" LOC = "T9" ; # 50 MHz clock
NET "clk_i" TNM_NET = "clk";
TIMESPEC "TS_clk" = PERIOD "clk" 15 ns HIGH 50 %;
# Push-buttons:
NET "rst_i" LOC = "L14" ; # pressed high BTN3
# VGA port:
NET "blu_o" LOC = "R11" ;
NET "grn_o" LOC = "T12" ;
NET "red_o" LOC = "R12" ;
NET "hs_o" LOC = "R9" ; # horizontal sync
NET "vs_o" LOC = "T10" ; # vertical sync
# Slide switches
NET "sw5_i" LOC = "J13" ; # active high when in UP position
NET "sw6_i" LOC = "K14" ; # active high when in UP position
NET "sw7_i" LOC = "K13" ; # active high when in UP position