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Department of Microelectronic Systems, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology Logo Wydziału
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Short tutorial on design with Spartan3 FPGA

Software: Xilinx ISE 10.1

Design entry: Schematic diagram

This tutorial shows how to create schematic diagram, simulate, implement (without synthesis - implementation is started from EDIF file generated directly from schematic diagram ) and program a circuit into prototype board made by Digilent Corporation with Spartan 3 FPGA XC3S200 from Xilinx:

  1. Creating new design
  2. Creating new schematic diagram
  3. Working with schematic diagram editor
  4. Simulating a design
  5. Implementation
  6. Programming FPGA

Design entry: HDL Language

This tutorial shows how to create HDL code and then simulate, synthesize, implement and program a circuit into prototype board made by Digilent Corporation with Spartan 3 FPGA XC3S200 from Xilinx:

  1. Creating new design
  2. Writing HDL code
  3. Simulating a design
  4. Implementation
  5. Programming FPGA